Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Mommy's makeup and other things

This is Allie! Just wanted to keep updated. MeiLi is doing really well. She is learning more English every day - things such as specific animals, colors, foods, drinks, numbers, the alphabet, "more", "potty", "want", "please", "thank you", "you're welcome", "night night", "share", "wait", "bless you", "ready?" "go!" and a few other things. It's absolutely adorable to hear her little Chinese accent speaking English words.

She still cries almost every night, so I asked her if she was afraid at night sometimes, and MeiLi nodded that yes, she was. I asked her if she knew that she was safe with us, and MeiLi said that yes, she knew - so we asked her if she would like us to remind her that she is safe whenever she is sad or afraid, and she nodded that yes, she would like us to tell her that.

We went to church as a family of six for the first time on Sunday. She did really well - she sat quietly with us for the whole service, and really enjoyed the worship music (she loves singing).

She absolutely loves her bike! Thank you, Geri! Last week we found this adorable play pony for it, and she rides "her horse" almost every day.

Sunday she wore the dress that Andrea made her to church! It was beautiful! She felt so pretty and wore it all day.

Yesterday we had another first! We found mommy's makeup! And, of course, had to get a makeover!

Then she got a look in the mirror - oh my! Haha - so cute!

 Then she posed (not prompted) like this for a picture.

Then another first today! She got to hold the bird on her head. She thought it was the funniest thing!


Tamera said...

Hi Allie, I can't decide if the photo's or your (entire family's) words are more beautiful. What a treasure she is (and you all too).

Anonymous said...

I love these pictures. Yes, I think she is a girly girl. She loves makeup and nail polish, etc. just like Emma!

Aunt Joanne