Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Little Parrot Girl

Had to lay down this quick milestone - MeiLi is repeating things in English!!! She learned "one" through "six" while we were still on the trip, but when she got home and discovered her new little LeapFrog alphabet thingy that sang the alphabet song (over and over and over and over), she started singing along!!! (Thanks, Halls!)

Then this morning, she and I were sitting at breakfast, chatting, using my very limited Chinese, hand gestures and facial expressions, when all of a sudden, she started repeating (almost perfectly!) everything I said. She started with "Good girl", plain as day! Then "Oh my gosh!", then "Amazing", then I sat there like a dummy trying to think of the most productive things to have her repeat.

Think about it - if you had someone start repeating everything you said, what would you say?

I'm charmed. I'm loving this.

Oh, and I finally thought to say, "I love you!"


Jerusha said...

That's awesome! How 'bout: MeiLi is beautiful...MeiLi is smart...Jesus loves MeiLi! etc. Looking forward to meeting her and seeing you guys again.

Jerusha said...

I guess you weren't asking for suggestions...just getting us to think about what we'd say, huh? ;o)

Sara said...

Kaylee has that same alphabet thing and she sings A-G and then W. It's hilarious! So glad you're having a good transition!

Beth G said...

Amazing and wonderful stuff! So happy for you!

Melissa said...

Awesome to hear your stories. I work with your new neighbor, Steve Brown, and he gave me your blog info.

We brought our little girl, Iris, home from China last summer. So many of your photos look familiar. We are hoping to travel again in October to get our little boy.

Our blog is: We have not posted much about our little boy as we have not recieved any updates since the first photo we recieved several months ago. Hoping to get some new photos and info soon. My wife has been posting non-adoption things latley so you will have to go back into the older posts to read about our journey.

Congrats and good luck with your beautifuly little blessing.
