Sunday, July 10, 2011

Hello from Shanghai

I guess uneventful is a great report - all flights were on time - and 22 hours from our door to hotel, we are here. The VPN is working so we can get to the blog and FB.

Attached is a pic over the Arctic Ocean. The flight from Chicago goes north over Canada, north of Alaska, then down over Siberia to China. Smooth and good weather all the way.

Here now - feeling very surreal. D


Anonymous said...

I told Carolyn I would read your blog each time you posted! Seriously, post as much as you can because I'd LOVE to hear about your trip. :) I'm glad to hear you had a great flight! Have an incredible time! I tracked your guys' flight yesterday evening and saw you were flying over the Bering Straight... that's pretty cool. :)

- Jayme

Jerusha said...

Hello from Kansas City! (OK, that's much less exciting.) Can't believe you're finally at this point. I too look forward to reading every post, and will be praying for you all. If there are specific prayer targets, please let me know, OK? Love you guys.