Sunday, August 7, 2011

Some first times

MeiLi is discovering so many things for the first time. We were out in the pool a few evenings ago and think she saw the stars for the first time - between the air quality, humidity and lights of China, this could be - she just looked up in wonder for a long time.

It's those moments, the spontaneous and profound ones, that are difficult to catch with a photo.

A planned event is easier - but one still has no idea what will go on. Our conversation: How do you think she'll react to the boat? Don't know, Jenna cried for the entire ride when she was five.

Seems exited to be going out:

Nick thought it was a hot day:
Some concern on the way out:
Lots of reaction to a turn

Snacking with Allie is good:
Jenna's getting ready to ski - this is more intense:

Better to ride with Emmi - relieved that Jenna is getting out.


Anonymous said...

O I just love this grand adventure that she is having and thank you for sharing it with us. God is good!

Anonymous said...

What a great time she is having. She does seem to have a courage, instead of lots of fears?


Anonymous said...

I like the comment about the stars. I don't suppose she's ever seen them before. She's seeing God's great creation!

Aunt Joanne

Jerusha said...

She's SO pretty! What fun!