Why go? A long story - but it comes down to James 1:27 (NKJ) says this: Pure and undefined religion before God and the Father is this, to visit orphans and widows in their time of trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world. Carolyn and I are both honored and humbled that we had the opportunity to go - and that we have been blessed and supported by so many people.
While there are many, here is one example of the beautiful, personal and wonderful care we have received. When Carolyn's Mom died, she had some fabric / sewing materials. Carolyn gave them to Andrea EuDaly as a donation to future HADC dance productions. When we arrived at the airport, Andrea had made a blanket for MeiLi out of the some of the material from her mom - a flower for each of our daughters - the characters mean MeiLi:
We are so thankful for, think often of and pray for all you of who have supported us through so many expressions during our adoption process: We know of so many who have prayed - C's small group, my small group, my friends in CR, our friends from Metro. Thanks to Rock Brook church for your prayers, guidance and support. Thanks to Kathi for having a shower and for all those who attended and gave gifts. Thanks to Nate for taking us to the airport and to the Kramers for seeing us off. Thanks to Nate / Andrea for picking us up. Thanks to the Staggs, Gilkesons and Newells for praying together and learning together - and for sharing their wisdom and experiences with us. Thanks to the McNays for helping us with their experience in prior travel - helping us with decisions. Thanks to the families we met in China and for your shared wisdom and experience during the adoption process. Thanks to Nate, Misty, Donna, Steve, Micah, Patty, Geri, Les, Kellen, and Alex for taking care of our house and /or animals while were gone. Thanks for the gifts and banners in our house on our return - and that our house was cleaned.
Thanks to my friends /co-workers at GEHA for their help and support and the gifts. Thanks to GEHA management for the time off and support in my job.
Thanks to our extended family on both sides for their support and encouragement - and to Bobby and Carolyn's Mom and generations of their family for their careful stewardship.
Thanks to our daughters Allie, Jenna and Emmi for their preparation in language, with our home and in our family decisions. Thanks to all the Holt staff for paving the way /getting us through all the paperwork / making the process go smoothly. And to Lotus and other travel staff for the experiences along the way.
Thanks to our extended community of friends that we've formed through the years and have been able to reconnect with on FB or via email or the blog - for all your prayers and kind words of encouragement and support.
And another verse from James 1: Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of Lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. You have all been a good and perfect gift to us - Christ in the flesh to us. Thanks be to our God and Father and the Lord Jesus Christ - who as blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Blessed be your Name. Amen.
You're welcome. It's been a privilege to pray and to be able to see God at work in all of this.
It's sometimes hard to accept such a beautiful gift from God. I don't know why it is different than our biological children. But, for some reason the miracle of adoption, once you are in it, seems so much greater than we originally realized. How does God take a little family in the midwest, and unite them with the perfect little girl in China, which has millions of little girls and thousands waiting for that perfect family. Then, amidst it all, he takes care of all the other details that we are unaware of, or didn't know how they'd possibly work out!
Then, you begin to experience true joy and faith through the eyes of that child. Every little thing is something to giggle about, jump & down and shout out!
Blessings!!!!!! I am so honored that we got to be a part of your journey and be of assistance. But, God's timing was perfect, once again!
Michelle McNay
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