Several of you have asked about the matching process. There are 3 ways to adopt from China:
1. Standard match / healthy infant - this takes 5 years and is not what we're doing.
2. Child Of Promise / 2-7 years old, usually special needs - Every Friday, there are children added to and matched from this group. There will be an offer of a child to us soon after China receives our dossier which we think will be February. We'll receive a photo, short profile, medical and social info. We have 2 weeks to make a decision to accept the match or ask for a different match.
3. Waiting Child Program / 2-14 years old, all special needs, most severe - These children are actually listed online with photos and short profiles. We can request any of these children at any time. We have considered a few of the girls, but are waiting a bit longer to protect our hearts - warning: your heart will break just looking at this listing. You can see the list by accessing the Holt website on the right side of our blog, or just google "waiting child photolisting".
It's called Parallel Process to be considering both the Child of Promise Program and the Waiting Child Program at the same time, and that's what we're doing. We're considering a girl aged 5 to 10 years old.
keeping this process in my prayers! Thanks for the blog! I just read the last few posts. What a journey!!!!!!!! That was 8 exclamation points.
love you,
The COP program utilizes the CCAA's shared list. There are children on the list from the age of 7 months to 13 years of age, with medical needs ranging from mild to severe. New files are added to the list approximately once per month, not every Friday. Holt makes the majority of matches in the hours and days immediately after a new list release. However, they continuously monitor the list throughout the month, as files are unlocked by other agencies and sometimes random files are newly added apart from the big monthly list release.
The waiting child photolisting does not necessarily contain the files of children with more severe needs. Some of the files are designated to Holt from specific orphanages in Jiangsu province that Holt works with, and the needs of those children ranges from mild to severe. Also, there are children listed with no-known medical needs. Sometimes, age is the only reason a child is considered to have a special need. Also, being a male child also makes it harder to be matched via the China adoption program.
Whoever added the clarified & corrected info on how matching happens, thank you very much! Sorry for misinformation. What I posted was a result of my understanding, which wasn't accurate. Sorry!!
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