I spent probably 1 1/2 hours on the phone yesterday trying to track down my check that I sent to the Chinese Consulate. I mailed it December 16, and it's been 12 days when it should have taken 2. It seems it dissappeared into a postal black hole. I asked one guy what I could do, and he said, "just wait and see".
Wait-and-see is the name of this adoption game, but not for something simple like mailing a check!! It's another test of kindness and patience, however, as it would have been easy to get angry and snap at people who were trying to help. But God, through my girls, zoomed me out to see the big picture again. It brought me peace.
I checked again just now to see if the check has appeared anywhere in the system, and guess what . . . of course, it's being delivered today!! It's too weird. It's too funny. I'm thankful. And at peace.
1 comment:
Thank God! Whew!
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