Sunday, June 28, 2015

But still I can do something

A bit of trivia.  Ying's adoption process began a year ago in July.  Like MeiLi's, this process has significant milestone dates:  Home study completed, matching, letter of acceptance, etc.   The dates for Ying this past year and the dates for MeiLi were 4 years apart - some on the same calendar date - just 4 years apart.  All the big dates were within 2 weeks of each other. 

MeiLi is an amazing, awesome, growing girl.  Her beauty and strength and courage have opened my eyes to the possibilities that God gives us in human endeavor.  It's because of her, Carolyn, Allie, Jenna and Emmi, who worked together as a team, but also opened their hearts to love, that I became  open to doing this again. 

The packing has begun.  We are about to start another adventure. 

Amber and Rachel showed us that Helen Keller wrote "I am only one, but I am still one.  I cannot do everything, but still I can do something.  And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do." 

Carolyn and I are not one, but two.  We also have the support of our daughters, friends, family, church, employer and community.  We see that the needs of the world are so great we recognize we can't meet them all.  But just because we can't help everyone or do everything, we won't step back from doing something.  Hope lives. 

Hope does not live naively.  With an adoption, the wild card is the child that you don't know.  This can get hard, and we don't know how hard.  Dear Jesus, walk with us through this. 

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