Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Joy comes in the morning

And it's always morning somewhere, so joy is always available.  This time it was morning back in Kansas City, but five in the afternoon here. 

Yesterday after another wonderful breakfast we came back to the rooms and cleaned them up to prepare for Ying's arrival.  We were to meet her in the hotel lobby between 3 and 5.  (Interestingly, we met MeiLi at a local government office in Changchun.  So bringing Ying to the hotel was different for us.)  The local Holt / Lotus partner guide (Selena) was going to call us just before they arrived. 

I will spare you the details of the morning.   

Around 3:00 we came back to the hotel to wait.  The hotel rooms themselves are not much fun so we called Selena for a timing update.  She replied she had just talked to them, they were on the way, on schedule, that they gave her no additional detail regarding how soon.   

So we were just hanging out here.  The kids decided to go check out the pool to see if it was a good option for later with Ying.

Regarding sleeping accommodations, we were a bed short and had contacted room service to bring in another one.  They had said five minutes.  A knock at the door - I commented: it must be the bed. 

I opened the door - and there she was.  Ying, Selena, and 4 people - two orphanage care givers and two government officials.  Only Carolyn and I in the room. So surprised, and so happy.   

That it was only Carolyn and I initially ended up being somewhat of a blessing.  Ying was pretty terrified.  She only made it in as far as the entry hallway, then the bed.  She was struggling. 

A few minutes later, Nate and the girls showed up - also very surprised and excited, but not wanting to overwhelm her more than she already was. We started the paperwork for a 1-day care giving agreement (in China the adoption finalizes one day later).  An orphanage worker took Ying out in the hallway to console her.  Allie offered to go talk to her.  Carolyn said go for it.  Once in a while you need a clutch player, and I tell you what, this time was Allie's turn.  She reached down deep, pulled out a bunch of Mandarin, and came through.  Ying's primary concern was the inability to communicate with us.  Allie really broke the ice and made Ying feel comfortable.  After a bit she was smiling and laughing and down on the floor with the girls and Nate building a puzzle. 

Each of our girls really helped Ying get comfortable. MeiLi's role was unique for Ying, however.  I didn't know if MeiLi was going to be jealous-selfish or giving-reaching but so far she has taken this as a life-long play date.  It doesn't matter to her that they don't speak the same language - they have been having a great time together and that is all that has mattered to MeiLi. 

Someone at the orphanage had taken the time to prepare some gifts for us.  One of them was a book of photos of Ying dressed in traditional Chinese royal clothing and makeup.  She is shockingly graceful and beautiful in these photos.  Wow.   

The day progressed with each of us in turn doing what we could to help her feel comfortable in simple ways.  We walked through nearby Green Lake Park.  People were singing and dancing in various groups.  Emmi joined one of the groups dancing.  We found a small carnival and MeiLi and Ying rode a couple of rides.  We found ice cream and cotton candy.  We found dinner.  The day closed with reading in bed and a little TV.   

Adoption is such a beautiful and amazing thing.  It's a long process to get here - lots of paperwork and interviews and preparation.  But then, in a moment, here we are, she is with us, and it is all worth it.  She is above and beyond all we can hope or think to ask for.  As I write this she and MeiLi are "napping" by goofing around in the other room.  Yeah we are from different continents and don't speak the same language, but when there is love, spoken language fades into the background.

Day one with Ying was much like Day one with each of the girls, profound, beautiful and even exhausting.  The entire future begins today.  I am thankful for each of us, including Nate, who pulled together and supported each other throughout the day.  We are able to do this because we love each other and we work well together as a team.  Thanks be to God for my wonderful family and for our newest daughter. 


Anonymous said...

in awe of all of you.........God is so good. Gerene

Carol Eucare said...

God will bless you for all your goodness!!! Really enjoying the blog:)

Brad and Stephanie said...

This so touches my heart. I can feel the love from here! Thank you so much for taking the time to share. XO

Shan K. said...

So happy for you and your family. MeiLi must be enjoying her newest sister.

Shan K. said...

So happy for you and your family. MeiLi must be enjoying her newest sister.

Shan K. said...

So happy for you and your family. MeiLi must be enjoying her newest sister.