Monday, February 14, 2011

Kids. are. so. important. Wow.

"“Internationally adopted children feel more strongly and dramatically than other children the pressure to be good and do what is right because deep down they still fear that they did something wrong that resulted in their relinquishment.” (Raising Your Internationally Adopted Child by Patty Cogen).

Adopted children often feel it was their fault they were "given up" - that they weren't good enough to be wanted. I've heard this said about children of divorce too. Kids, poor things . . . because the adult world is a mystery of grand authority and power, they assume that adults always do the right thing. Therefore, who else would be at fault but little, powerless, mistake-prone me. (I speak from my own experience of being adopted.)

Ohhhhhhh, if we could constantly wrap our minds around the immense responsibility we carry for raising our children in truth and love. Reminding them always that they are immeasurably valuable, accepted, treasured, and forgiven. Because this is how our heavenly Father and the very Master of our design views us - and that acceptance and love need to be passed on out of gratitude. These little critters are right now in the process of replacing us here on earth. WHAT could be more important? What greater purpose could there be?

Thank God He made them cute, right? Ha. But while we do the best we can with our "own" children, the rest of the children of the world need His Love as well. Pray for them, my friends. And if a little critter crosses your path in the coming days, send a pulse of love his way - he probably needs it. Smile with a little extra genuineness, spend a few extra moments listening to a little person - heck, I don't know . . . just make goofy faces at the little kid in front of you at church! (That's what I did yesterday - nothing like a 9-month old baby girl grinning back at you!)

Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Jerusha said...

Beautiful, and true. Well-said. Look forward to seeing you this weekend!